Tuesday 17 May 2016

The Interview: Through The Eyes Of A Colour-blind Sufferer

I realised that desk research would not be enough for me to completely understand the plights of a colour-blind person, I needed to get first-hand insight on the subject. For this, I decided to approach my classmate, Karan, who has been diagnosed with Red-Green colour-blindness.(The most common type.)

I could not meet Karan personally as we have both been busy with other college assignments, however, I was able to interview him via text messaging. With Karan's permission, I have copied and posted the transcript bellow:

CB With Karan

Nikhil B.: When we're you diagnosed with Colour-blindness?

Karan G: 9th grade

Nikhil B.: Can you briefly tell me a few of the challenges associated with your condition?

Karan G: Obviously its hard to identify colors. But only if someone asks me about it, then is the condition awkward. Otherwise what I see is fine to me. Like while shopping clothes it doesnt matters what's the color of the shirt to others. I like and buy the color i think it is to me.

Nikhil B.: That's really interesting.

Karan G: Now like in the 1st sem color course. It was difficult for me because i had to use those colors only which are according to those assigned and not the ones which i would think of.

Nikhil B.: Can you name a few website's/apps that you find inconvenient to use?

Karan G: No such apps.

Karan G: See thats the thing. In my eyes those colors are different. Well not completely but slightly. And point is no color is bad. So i like those colors on how i see them.

Karan G: Just like any other human

Karan G: Because while using any app or website no one is asking me the colors its displaying. So no problem there

Karan G: See the problem only comes when:

1) someone asks me about some color(and both of ours answers are different)

2) when i have no choice but to deal with the colors a second person has assigned me to

Karan G: Otherwise its all fine

Karan G: Its the way i see things and im used to it.
Karan G: The only cure possible till now is that i learn the names of colors and identify them according to normal people and leave my perception of that color

Karan G: But thats near to impossible

Nikhil B.: I see.

Nikhil B.: But have you ever been in a situation where a form was difficult to distinguish from its Background?
Karan G: Yeah. It happens.
Karan G: Sometimes and situationally.

Nikhil B.: Can you give an example?

Karan G: Like a very simple example. If i see a rose plant from a distance, I wont be able to see roses over it. And you normal people can easily do.

Nikhil B.: "Normal people"? Haha it's not like you're not one just because of your condition bro

Karan G: Normal in case of colors

Nikhil B.: Anyway, While preparing a presentation (Eg PowerPoint) do you keep in mind how to make it convenient for people with your condition?

Karan G: See there's something interesting about color blind people. It has been proven in a lot of cases. Color blind people have a very good sense of color sensitivity and color combinations. I have experienced this a lot in even my case. 

Secondly while preparing ppt you don't tend to think what colors would please yourself because its not for you so you tend to think accordingly that which colors are already good to use for such things. Already means others have used.

Karan G: And when it comes to artwork its all on us and i would use colors i like and people would have to like them too

Nikhil B.: Interesting.

Nikhil B.: So you may have difficulty while looking at a colour combination from a distance?

Karan G: Yeah. See if its like edge diffusion thing only then. When colors with same hues and all are used.

Karan G: And if there are other colors then unless someone contradicts about the colors i'm thinking them to be, its fine by me. 

Nikhil B.: So what kind of colours are a problem for you?

Karan G: See there are different types of color blindness

Karan G: Red-green, blue-green ,red-blue and a severe one where everything is in greyscale

Karan G: Im red-green color blind.

Karan G: I face difficulty when these two colors or shades of these two colors are together.

Nikhil B.: Hm... And what would make it easier for you to be able to distinguish them from a distance?

Karan G: Either if they are not together or they are close enough for me to observe

Nikhil B.: I see. Seems like there's scope for a better solution.

Nikhil B.: Okay, that's all I needed. Thanks a lot for your time man, been a huge help!

Karan G: Its okay. You're welcome.

The interview with Karan helped me find the extra information I needed before I could move on to creating my Problem Assessment Matrix.

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